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Government accountability for spending

In Canada, public funds are controlled by the members of legislative assemblies. After governments draft budgets and spend the money entrusted to them, they are obligated to report back to the assemblies on how they used the funds.

Our role is to provide assurance that the information provided to the assembly is appropriate, credible, complete, and accurate. Our independence from those we audit ensures our work is objective – based on facts, not preconceived opinions. This independence, along with our professional standards, is the foundation to our value proposition as a credible and trusted source of information on government spending and activities.  

The Government of Alberta prepares financial statements and makes them public to inform Albertans about the province’s financial performance. We annually audit the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Province of Alberta.  Learn more about financial statement audits.

Performance auditing is an independent, objective and reliable examination of whether government systems, operations, programs, activities or organizations are operating in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectivenessLearn more about performance audits.

Planned performance audit work which considers various factors such as financial significance, impact on Albertans, and public interest. Learn more about our work in progress here.

Our reports are referred to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts for review. Learn more about the committees we work with here.