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To ensure Albertans receive the value for money they deserve from our office, we follow a clear process of accountability for results:

  • set and communicate measurable results and responsibilities
  • plan what needs to be done to achieve results
  • do the work and monitor progress
  • identify and evaluate results—and provide feedback for continued improvement
  • publicly report on the results of our work

Our Business Plan

Our Results Report

Our Act

Government of Alberta’s Response to our Past Recommendations

Expense reports

The Office of the Auditor General expense policies and controls are designed to ensure that only expenses incurred doing office business and with regard for economy are reimbursed or paid. We post expenses online for Albertans to see.

We publish out-of-town travel, hospitality and working session expenses of the office leadership team and senior management.

The information on this website will be updated every two months, together with fiscal year to date totals. Our fiscal year is April 1 to March 31.

Compensation disclosure

The Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act requires public sector bodies to publicly disclose all remuneration paid to employees earning more than the identified annual threshold amount.

This disclosure is done by publishing a statement of remuneration which sets out the required information for each employee over the threshold.

The Alberta government requires that a comma separated value report version be made available:

Download CSV

Learn more about the public sector compensation disclosure.