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We completed our assessment of implementation of the recommendations from our 2014 audit of the Department of Health (the department) and Alberta Health Services (AHS) efforts to manage chronic diseases among Albertans. The department and AHS have implemented eight of the nine recommendations. One recommendation is no longer relevant due to changed circumstances.

Nine years have passed since our original audit. Although we are assessing the recommendations as implemented, work to improve the management of chronic diseases in Alberta is part of a long journey to improve systems of care and is still ongoing. The work done to date by the department and AHS creates a foundation for improved chronic disease management, but the efforts must be sustained to see long-term improvements for Albertans living with chronic diseases.


  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Improve delivery of chronic disease management services
  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Improve support of patient-physician relationships
  • CHANGED CIRCUMSTANCE Recommendation: Improve physician care plan initiative
  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Improve delivery of pharmacist care plan initiative
  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Strengthen electronic medical record systems
  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Provide individuals with access to their personal health information

Alberta Health Services

  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Improve support of patient-physician relationships
  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Improve Alberta Health Services chronic disease management services
  • IMPLEMENTED Recommendation: Improve physician care plan initiative